Focus Gaming News Latinoamérica: Luis Figo: fortaleciendo la asociación con el líder de la industria Digitain

Octubre 19, 2023 / Otras noticias

Luis Figo: fortaleciendo la asociación con el líder de la industria Digitain


Luis Figo seguirá siendo un actor clave en la promoción de Digitain y mejorando la visibilidad de la marca.

Comunicado de prensa.- El 4 de septiembre de 2023, la icónica leyenda del fútbol, ​​Luis Figo, visitó la sede de Digitain, un reconocido proveedor mundial de soluciones de plataformas de casinos y apuestas deportivas, para ampliar y fortalecer su colaboración con la empresa. Figo continuará su papel como estimado embajador de la marca Digitain por segundo año consecutivo, reforzando el compromiso inquebrantable de la compañía con la excelencia y la innovación en la industria del igaming.

Esta exitosa asociación entre Luis Figo y Digitain comenzó inicialmente en julio de 2022, demostrando ser una excelente alineación de valores. El estatus legendario de Figo en el mundo del fútbol y su reputación como ícono deportivo reflejan perfectamente la dedicación de Digitain para ofrecer tecnología de juego de vanguardia y experiencias de usuario excepcionales.

En su papel de Brand Ambassador, Luis Figo seguirá siendo un actor clave en la promoción de Digitain y mejorando la visibilidad de la marca en diversas exposiciones comerciales de la industria programadas para este año y a lo largo de 2024.

Luis Figo expresó su entusiasmo por la ampliación de la asociación y afirmó: “Estoy encantado de continuar mi colaboración con Digitain, una empresa que comparte mi inquebrantable pasión por la excelencia. Durante el año pasado, fui testigo de su compromiso con la innovación y su impulso para superar los límites en la industria del igaming”.

“Anticipo con entusiasmo otro año de colaboración y contribución al éxito global continuo de Digitain. Digitain se ha convertido en mi segunda familia y me siento honrado de ser parte de este equipo excepcional”.

El fundador de Digitain, Vardges Vardanyan, también intervino y dijo: “Tener a Luis Figo como nuestro embajador de marca ha sido un viaje increíble. Su dedicación a la excelencia, el profesionalismo y los valores son una combinación perfecta para el espíritu de Digitain. Estamos encantados de continuar con esta asociación y elevar aún más nuestra marca en el escenario global”.

En este segundo año de su notable asociación, Digitain está preparada para aprovechar los éxitos del año anterior. La compañía se mantiene firme en su compromiso de ofrecer soluciones de juegos de última generación, experiencias de usuario cautivadoras y tecnología innovadora que continúa estableciendo nuevos estándares en la industria.

Ver también: Digitain nombró a Margarita Cruz como directora comercial senior

En este artículo: Digitain

Source: Focus Gaming News Latinoamérica

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SBCNEWS: Digitain’s Luis Figo partnership rolls into second year

Octubre 19, 2023 / Otras noticias

Digitain has marked the second consecutive year of its partnership with Portuguese former footballer Luis Figo, who will continue to work as a brand ambassador for the firm.SBC News Digitain’s Luis Figo partnership rolls into second year

Figo will maintain his brand ambassador responsibilities for another year going into 2024, playing a role in promoting and enhancing the image of Digitain’s brand via appearances at industry trade events.

The Armenia-based sports betting solutions provider first partnered with Figo – who appeared for the Portuguese national team, Real Madrid, Barcelona and Inter Milan throughout his career – was first inked last year.

Figo remarked: “I am delighted to continue my collaboration with Digitain, a company that shares my unwavering passion for excellence. Over the past year, I’ve witnessed their commitment to innovation and their drive to push the boundaries in the igaming industry. 

“I eagerly anticipate another year of collaboration and contributing to Digitain’s ongoing global success. Digitain has become my second family, and I’m honoured to be a part of this exceptional team.”

In a similar fashion to when his agreement with Digitan was signed last year, Figo made an appearance at Digitain’s headquarters in Armenian capital Yerevan this week.

Building on the first year of the deal and on a range of commercial achievements over the past 12 months, such as launching its Paydrom payments platform and opening a new European HQ in Bucharest, Digitain aims to keep its foot on the pedal.

The company stated that it intends to maintain momentum on its ambition to deliver “state-of-the-art gaming solutions, captivating user experiences, and innovative technology that continues to set new industry standards”.

Digitain’s founder, Vardges Vardanyan, added:  “Having Luis Figo as our Brand Ambassador has been an incredible journey. His dedication to excellence, professionalism, and values are a perfect match for Digitain’s ethos. We’re thrilled to continue this partnership and further elevate our brand on the global stage.”



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iNTERGAME: Figo extends Digitain collaboration

Octubre 19, 2023 / Otras noticias


Former football star Luis Figo has extended his collaboration with Digitain for a second year.

Figo, who joined forces with the company in July last year as a brand ambassador, will continue to promote Digitain and enhance the brand’s visibility at various trade shows scheduled for the rest of this year and into 2024.

The 50-year-old, who played for Barcelona and his native Portugal, said he has witnessed Digitain’s “commitment to innovation and their drive to push the boundaries in the igaming industry” since becoming a brand ambassador.

Vardges Vardanyan, Digitain founder, added: “His [Figo’s] dedication to excellence, professionalism and values are a perfect match for Digitain’s ethos. We’re thrilled to continue this partnership and further elevate our brand on the global stage.”



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Luis Figo: Vuelve a ser Embajador de la Marca  

Octubre 19, 2023 / Digitain Noticias

El 4 de septiembre, Digitain dio la bienvenida al legendario futbolista Luis Figo a la sede de Digitain para ampliar y fortalecer su colaboración con nuestra empresa. 

Estamos encantados de anunciar que Figo seguirá siendo el estimado Embajador de Marca de Digitain por segundo año consecutivo, reforzando el compromiso inquebrantable de la compañía con la excelencia y la innovación en la industria globalmente regulada del iGaming.

Nuestra asociación entre Luis Figo y Digitain comenzó en julio de 2022, demostrando ser una excelente alineación de valores. El legendario estatus de Figo en el fútbol y su reputación como icono deportivo reflejan perfectamente la dedicación de Digitain a ofrecer tecnología de juego de vanguardia y experiencias de usuario excepcionales para todos nuestros más de 150 socios globales.

Como Embajador de la Marca, Luis Figo continuará siendo una figura clave en la promoción de Digitain y en la mejora de la visibilidad de la marca en varias exposiciones comerciales de la industria programadas para este año y a lo largo de 2024.

Expresando su entusiasmo por la ampliación de la asociación, Luis Figo declaró: “Estoy encantado de continuar mi colaboración con Digitain, una empresa que comparte mi inquebrantable pasión por la excelencia. A lo largo del último año, he sido testigo de su compromiso con la innovación y su afán por superar los límites de la industria del iGaming. Espero con impaciencia otro año de colaboración y contribución al éxito mundial de Digitain. Digitain se ha convertido en mi segunda familia, y me siento honrado de formar parte de este equipo excepcional.”

El fundador de Digitain, Vardges Vardanyan, ha declarado: “Tener a Luis Figo como Embajador de nuestra Marca ha sido un recorrido increíble. Su dedicación a la excelencia, su profesionalidad y sus valores encajan perfectamente con el espíritu de Digitain. Estamos encantados de continuar esta asociación y seguir elevando nuestra marca en el escenario mundial.”

En este segundo año de nuestra destacada asociación, Digitain está preparada para aprovechar los éxitos del año anterior. La empresa se mantiene firme en su compromiso de ofrecer soluciones de juego de última generación, experiencias de usuario cautivadoras y una tecnología innovadora que sigue marcando nuevas pautas en el sector para todos nuestros socios actuales.

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SoloAzar: World footballing legend Luís Figo, Digitain’s brand ambassador, visits Armenia headquarters

Septiembre 6, 2022 / Otras noticias

(Armenia) – Digitain are delighted to announce that their Brand Ambassador, footballing legend, Luís Figo, visited the Digitain headquarters in Yerevan on Tuesday 30th August to participate in a dedicated press conference and to spend some time with the various teams who make up the Digitain family.

About his visit, Luís Figo commented, “I’m excited to be part of this new partnership and I had a really enjoyable and extremely informative time visiting Digitain’s headquarters in Yerevan and learning more about the culture of the company. Digitain is a long-established and forward-thinking iGaming company, dedicated to offering a broad variety of successful iGaming solutions to partners all over the world. Becoming their Brand Ambassador was an easy decision for me.”

For Digitain, Vardges Vardanyan said, “It was my pleasure to welcome Luís to Yerevan and to Digitain’s headquarters. I am extremely happy that we have a partnership with someone of his international stature and reputation, who shares our progressive values and who can represent the Digitain brand with such assurance.”

Source: SoloAzar

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Septiembre 6, 2022 / Otras noticias

El nuevo embajador de marca de Digitain, el exfutbolista portugués, Luis Figo, ha visitado la sede central de la compañía en Armenia para dar una rueda de prensa y conocer al equipo.

El exjugador de Barcelona, Real Madrid o Inter de Milán ha reconocido estar “emocionado de ser parte de esta nueva asociación y ha sido muy agradable y visitar la sede de Digitain en Ereván para saber más sobre la cultura de la empresa”.

Además, Figo no dudó en subrayar que “convertirme en su Brand Ambassador fue una decisión fácil para mí porque es una empresa de iGaming establecida desde hace mucho tiempo y con visión de futuro”.

Por su parte, el fundador de Digitain, Vardges Vardanyan, ha subrayado el placer que supone para la empresa “dar la bienvenida a Luis Figo, así que estamos muy felices que la asociación que hemos alcanzado con alguien de su nivel y reputación internacional”.


Source: Gaming Intelligence

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SBC News: Luis Figo thinking big with Digitain brand ambassador role

Septiembre 6, 2022 / Otras noticias

Digitain’s new brand ambassador Luis Figo, the former Barcelona, Real Madrid and Internazionale star, strengthened his ties with the company when he visited its headquarters in Yerevan to meet the team last week.

Securing the services of one of the iconic footballers of his generation is a big statement for a B2B supplier. But Digitain is a company with ambitious plans to continue its expansion into European, African and Latin American markets, and also one that is making significant investments in its future.

It is investing heavily in new products for 2022 and beyond – including the Centrivo platform, a payments gateway, and enhanced live casino and virtual sports offerings – as well as in recruitment and training, and in the creation of an optimal work environment at its purpose-built headquarters.

It was at this state-of-the-art office complex in Yerevan where Figo was to be found causing great excitement last week, shaking hands and posing for countless selfies with members of the Digitain team who were clearly thrilled to meet him (and why wouldn’t they be – it’s not every day that a Galactico pops in to say hello).

At a press conference with the company’s founder Vardges Vardanyan, the former Portugal international came across as a charismatic, funny and well-informed figure as he answered questions from an audience of employees and reporters.

“It’s a great pleasure for me to join the Digitain family and to be here in Yerevan,” he said.

“To tell the truth, when Digitain approached me to be ambassador, I didn’t really have a clue about the company because it’s so far away from where I’m based. I wanted to realise what the company is and, for me, it is really a big surprise because I’m seeing today how many people are here and the happiness of the people receiving me and welcoming me.

“Congratulations to Mr Vardges for all he has built. I think you must be very proud of what has been achieved and what it gives to you, the people who work here, and what it gives to the country. I think it is a reference for Armenia and what it does is put Armenia in the eyes of the whole world.

“So I’m very pleased to be part of the company and I will try to engage and promote as best as possible, as we have the chance to help the company to grow bigger.”

Vardanyan added: “It is my pleasure to welcome Luís to Yerevan and to Digitain’s headquarters. I am extremely happy that we have a partnership with someone of his international stature and reputation, who shares our progressive values and who can represent the Digitain brand with such assurance.”


While the La Liga and Serie A winner conceded that he knew little about Digitain when he was first approached to become its brand ambassador, as he’s “not so into software and technology and that kind of stuff”, that has changed. During months of talks to agree a deal and work out what his exact role would be, Figo did his research and liked what he learned about the company.

The positive impression was reinforced during his visit to Yerevan, and the reception he received had him looking to the future.

“I always think big, so I expect to be in the (Digitain) family for a long time – this is just a tip for the boss,” the Champions League winner joked.

“The most important thing is that you will be happy with my work. I think we will try to make (the company) known more and more, not only locally, but in other markets and if possible, globally.”

He added: “In the past, when I was active and I was playing, I often had the chance to have these partnerships with companies and I was looking always to have a long-term relationship. It means that you can give and receive in the same way (to create) a win-win situation and establish a good relationship.”

While Figo’s brand ambassador role with Digitain is designed to promote B2B products and services, the role of betting operator sponsorships and partnerships between sportsbooks and former professional athletes in the B2C space has been the subject of much scrutiny in recent times. However, the 127-cap Portugal international believes such deals should be permitted to go ahead as long as the right safeguards are in place.

“I think if everything is healthy and clear and clean, it is good,” he said. “Since a few years ago, you could see sports betting companies sponsoring football and other sports, and I think for the clubs, it is a very important (source of) better revenues and to maybe help them to have better teams and better players.

“UEFA allows the sportsbook companies that are legal to get into sponsorship. I think everyone that is clear and legal has the right to be in this industry.”

Since hanging up his boots, Figo has made the decision to focus on a career in business, rather than follow former team-mates Zinedine Zidane, Pep Guardiola, Raul and Dejan Stankovic into the dugout.

“I have already started to get white hairs,” the Portuguese joked. “Being a coach was a direction that I never wanted to go in. When I finished my career I was so physically and mentally tired after 20 years that I needed to do another thing.

“As a football player, you go to practice and you don’t have to prepare everything. I think it is much more tough (for a coach) in terms of time and quality of life than to be a football player. So I was not prepared for that.”

However, while coaching is not on the agenda for Figo, he believes that his experience of working with some of the best coaches in the game helped him to develop some of the valuable skills he uses in his business career and that learning from them has “helped me to make so many decisions in my life”.

One big decision he made last year was to cooperate with documentary makers Pitch Productions on The Figo Affair: The Transfer that Changed Football, the newly-released Netflix documentary that tells the inside story of his contentious move from Barcelona to bitter rivals Real Madrid. The record-breaking transfer happened in 2000, the same year that he was named the best player in the world, and 22 years on, Figo felt it was right to finally tell his side of the story.

“I wanted to recount my story after so many people talk about it and give their opinion about it. But the protagonist – that was me – never spoke about it,” he explained.

“It’s for the people who are interested in football to watch and form their own opinion. At the same time, it is good because there’s history in terms of transfer markets and in terms of rebalancing between two clubs.

“What’s most important is with my experience to tell my story, my true story of what I did in that moment, and for my daughters, who were not existing in that moment, to see it and know what happened.”

Figo’s work for the day was not quite done as the press conference drew to a close. There was still the important matter of playing for Digitain in a five-a-side match against TotoGaming on the roof of the building that houses Digitain’s 1,000-strong trading team.

The blistering afternoon sunshine and temperature of 38°C may have meant that Figo’s exquisite skills were displayed at a rather more pedestrian pace than when in his prime, but it’s a fair bet that the other players won’t wait 22 years to tell the story of the time they shared a football field with a Ballon d’Or winner.

Source: SBC News

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Digitain recibe al embajador de la marca Luís Figo en Armenia

Septiembre 5, 2022 / Digitain Noticias

La visita del icono del fútbol internacional Luís Figo a Armenia y a la sede de Digitain en calidad de Embajador de Marca de la empresa, el pasado 30 de agosto, fue sin duda una ocasión extraordinaria que dio lugar a una jornada llena de momentos inolvidables.


La mañana comenzó con la llegada de la leyenda a las oficinas de Digitain y un paseo de encuentro por las once plantas del edificio, donde Figo, junto con la dirección de Digitain, fue recibido por cientos de representantes de cada uno de los departamentos de la empresa.


El héroe del día firmó numerosas camisetas de Figo-7 para los empleados emocionados, la mayoría de los cuales eran sus fans de siempre. Después de tomarse selfies y decirse unas palabras muy sentidas, llegó el momento de pasar a una conferencia de prensa exclusiva.


En la conferencia de prensa, a la que asistieron representantes de renombrados medios de comunicación internacionales del sector del juego, como SBC Gaming, Soloazar, Gaming Intelligence y EGR, Luís Figo y el Director Fundador de Digitain, Vardges Vardanyan, respondieron a múltiples preguntas, abordaron diversas cuestiones y compartieron información relacionada con la nueva asociación Digitain-Figo.


El punto culminante de la tarde fue el esperado partido de fútbol amistoso. Evidentemente, dispuesto a disfrutar del juego bajo el sol armenio, Figo, que jugaba en el equipo de Digitain, demostró su maestría específica aportando 5 asistencias y marcando 3 goles, para acabar el partido con el resultado de 8:4.


Lleno de conversaciones cordiales y emocionantes discusiones sobre los planes futuros, el día fue claramente otro hito importante en la colaboración en entre Digitain y Figo, con más sorpresas y planes por delante.

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Julio 6, 2022 / Digitain Noticias

No todos los días una empresa de iGaming puede presumir de colaborar con un absoluto icono del deporte. En el caso de Digitain, ¡hoy es ese día! Estamos encantados de compartir la magnífica noticia de que Luís Figo, la leyenda del fútbol portugués reconocido mundialmente, se unirá oficialmente al Grupo Digitain como embajador de la marca. ¡Qué buena noticia!

Figo es reconocido como uno de los mejores jugadores de su generación. Fue jugador de extremo de varios equipos durante sus años de gloria, como por ejemplo del Barcelona, Real Madrid e Inter de Milán, en las que logró varios trofeos, como cuatro títulos de Liga, cuatro de Serie A, una Recopa de UEFA y una Liga de Campeones de UEFA, junto con el famoso Balón de Oro de 2000 y el título de Jugador Mundial de la FIFA de 2001. Confirmación de que fueron manifestaciones claras de la carrera absolutamente exitosa y vibrante de Figo.

Luís Figo expresó su sincera alegría en relación de su papel como Embajador de la marca de Digitain y esta visionaria alianza. Comentó: “Estoy emocionado de formar parte de esta nueva colaboración y estoy deseando representar a Digitain. Se trata de una empresa de iGaming de larga trayectoria y con grandes perspectivas de futuro, dedicada a ofrecer una amplia variedad de soluciones de iGaming de éxito a socios de todo el mundo. Convertirse en su embajador de marca fue una decisión fácil”.

En palabras del fundador del Grupo Digitain, Vardges Vardanyan, “Es una inmensa emoción dar la bienvenida a una figura icónica tan fenomenal como Luís Figo a la familia Digitain. Cuando se trata de la representación mundial de una empresa de iGaming con las últimas soluciones de apuestas deportivas, que es Digitain, Figo, que es alabado por su inigualable reputación, su impresionante trayectoria y su actitud ganadora, es sin duda la elección perfecta para simbolizar la calidad, la innovación y la eficacia de nuestro Sportsbook. Estamos encantados de trabajar con este icono del deporte”.

¡Enhorabuena a todos! Es un capítulo clave en la historia de Digitain que todos vamos a recordar y apreciar, y es una colaboración alucinante que seguramente impulsará a Digitain a nuevas alturas.

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Gambling Insider: Digitain signs Luís Figo as brand ambassador

Julio 6, 2022 / Otras noticias

Gambling Insider was in attendance in Nice as Ballon d’Or and Champions League-winning ex-footballer Luís Figo signed an agreement with sportsbook and iGaming supplier Digitain.

Under the slogan ‘cooperating with the legend,’ Figo signed as brand ambassador alongside Digitain Founder Vardges Vardanyan, as the two parties look to embark on a long-term collaboration.

Former Portugal, Real Madrid, Barcelona and Inter Milan footballer Figo praised the values of the gambling company as he held aloft a Digitain shirt with the number seven and his name written on the back.

Promoting the values of a long-term partnership, Figo sat down with Gambling Insider to discuss the deal, as well as reflecting on his playing career.

Vardanyan, meanwhile, believes the deal will elevate the whole iGaming industry, not just Digitain individually.

Figo exclusively told Gambling Insider: “For me, it was important to know a little bit about what the company is doing. It’s a global company and, because it’s a leader in this area, it was nothing but positive when the chance came to accept the partnership.”

When asked by Gambling Insider about the thinking behind the partnership, especially considering the increasing trend of brand ambassadors among B2B gambling firms, Digitain Founder Vardanyan added: “Luís Figo is a living legend. I have much respect for him not only as an ex-professional player but also as a high-profile individual and social ambassador.

“He embodies the values that Digitain aspires to. He played with skill, professionalism and has the same love for the sport we do.”

Look out for the full interview with both Figo in this week’s GI Friday and with Vardanyan in our upcoming Sports Betting Focus magazine.

Figo will also feature in the Play Hard section of Trafficology, looking back on his career and talking football.

Source: Gambling Insider

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