Women Game Changers in iGaming


The iGaming industry, often perceived as a male-dominated field, has historically faced criticism for its lack of gender diversity. However, the landscape is shifting. A growing number of influential women are shaking things up and proving that iGaming is not just for men.  

The presence of influential women reshaping the dynamics of online gaming has become increasingly evident. Beyond mere players, women now occupy pivotal roles across diverse sectors of iGaming, spanning from product development and marketing to legal services and executive leadership. The ascent of female leaders to managerial and CEO positions underscores the industry’s changing narrative, affirming that iGaming indeed welcomes all. 

Empowering Change 

Despite these positive strides, achieving true gender parity in the iGaming industry remains a work in progress. While progress has been made in recent years, women are still underrepresented in many areas. 

Every iGaming business can play a role in fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for women in the industry. Here are some actionable steps: 

  • Promote women to leadership positions: Offer opportunities for female talent to showcase their skills and leadership potential through mentorship programs and career development initiatives.  
  • Ensure pay equity: Equal pay for equal work remains essential. Regularly assessing and addressing any existing pay gaps is crucial. 
  • Highlight successful women: Showcase the achievements of female team members and celebrate their contributions to inspire future generations. 
  • Encourage women’s voices: Create a culture where women feel comfortable sharing their perspectives and participating in decision-making processes. 

Digitain: Celebrating Female Success Stories 

At Digitain, we are proud of our talented and successful female employees. We actively champion diversity and inclusion within our team, recognizing the invaluable contributions women make to the iGaming landscape. 

We are particularly happy to celebrate the achievements of Aregnaz Hakobyan, Hamest Safaryan, and Armine Sirunyan, who received prestigious awards in 2023 and 2024 for their exceptional work in the industry. Their stories are a testament to the impact women can have in iGaming, and we are inspired by their success. 

We are thrilled to share that Aregnaz Hakobyan, our Group Chief Marketing Officer, secured a Top 20 Award by 5 Star iGaming Media! Aregnaz is a true pioneer, spearheading industry-first initiatives like our collaboration with football legend Luis Figo, our Brand Ambassador. This partnership, now in its second year, exemplifies her dedication to inclusive storytelling and her unwavering commitment to supporting women in iGaming. Her efforts have also garnered Digitain more than ten prestigious industry awards, highlighting the impact of her approach. 

Furthermore, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to Hamest Safaryan, our outstanding Regional Sales Team Manager, who has won the esteemed “Employee of the Year” award at the WiG Diversity Awards! Hamest’s remarkable achievements and unwavering commitment have been recognized by the industry, and we are incredibly proud of her exceptional contributions and dedication to our team. Her accomplishment reflects Digitain’s core belief in recognizing and nurturing talent as a key driver of success. 

The future of iGaming is undoubtedly brighter with the increasing contributions of women in leadership roles and across diverse fields. Digitain is proud to celebrate Armine Sirunyan, who has been shortlisted for the prestigious Women in Gaming Diversity Awards in the Leader of the Year category. This recognition serves as a testament to her immense talent and dedication. 

As we celebrate these milestones, we recognize that our journey toward diversity and inclusion is ongoing. We believe that true success lies in fostering an environment where talent flourishes, regardless of gender. We are committed to championing diversity, embracing inclusion, and celebrating the achievements of women who are shaping the future of iGaming.  

At Digitain, we’re not just rewriting the rules; we’re rewriting history. 

If you share our vision for a more inclusive and dynamic iGaming landscape, we invite you to join us in shaping the future, where every voice is heard, every contribution is valued, and together, we redefine the landscape of iGaming for generations to come. 

P.S. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Aregnaz Hakobyan, Hamest Safaryan, and Armine Sirunyan – Digitain’s distinguished female leaders – for their remarkable achievements in 2023, as well as in all the previous years, and, of course, for all the upcoming years’ future success. Your contributions inspire us all.  

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