Digitain’s P2P games allow our partners access to the latest skill-based games that will enable your brand to reach new player demographics that can help drive bottom line revenue and profits.
All our P2P games are easily integrated, providing hassle-free frictionless accessibility to more engaging content to acquire, retain and cross-sell your players. P2P games are intended for two players. The games start with one of the players creating a new game or joins the already created one. You can also watch the other players’ games unless the latter was designed as a “Private game.” The game creator defines the terms. The player joining the already created game accepts the terms. The game creator chooses to play with the given opponent or not. The game starts only in the case of a positive answer.
We have the following types of games: Belote (Open and Classic ), Backgammon ( Short, Asian, Long, Blitz, Pioneer, Hyper, Nack), Dominoes ( Fives, Classic, Thress, Block), Game 21, Pasur.