iGaming Operatörleri için Güçlü Bir Marka Kimliği Oluşturmak

Haziran 25, 2024 / Blog

Rekabetin son derece yoğun olduğu çevrimiçi oyun dünyasında B2C operatörleri için adınızı duyurmak çok önemlidir. Marka kimliğinizi göz ardı etmek, müşterileri çekmenizi ve elde tutmanızı zorlaştırabilir. 

iGaming B2C alanında, güçlü bir marka kimliği şirketinizin imzası niteliğindedir. Değerlerinizi, kimliğinizi ve potansiyel müşterilerinize sağlayabileceğiniz faydaları ana hatlarıyla belirtir. Güvenilirlik ve güven oluşturmak için temel taşı görevi görür ve bu da işinizin büyümesini sağlar.  

Marka kimliği, bir şirketin imajını tanımlayan ve onu diğerlerinden ayıran görsel, sözel ve duygusal nitelikleri kapsar. İGaming operatörleri için bu, web siteleri, sosyal medya ve müşteri etkileşimleri dahil olmak üzere tüm temas noktalarında tutarlı ve çekici bir varlık oluşturmayı içerir.

Marka Vizyonunuzu ve Değerlerinizi Oluşturun

 Bunu başlatmanın yolu, marka vizyonunuzu ve değerlerinizi net bir şekilde belirlemektir. Şirketiniz neye inanıyor? Uzun vadede neyi hedefliyorsunuz? Güçlü bir vizyon, markalaşma faaliyetlerinizi düzene sokarken ulaşmayı amaçladığınız kişilere doğru bir mesaj göndermenizi sağlayacaktır. İGaming operatörleri için yenilikçilik, güvenlik, güvenilirlik ve müşteri odaklılık çok önemli değerlerdir.

Size Özgü Bir Marka Dili Geliştirin

Marka dili şirketinizin kişiliğini ve değerlerini açıkça yansıtmalıdır. Kitlenizle bu şekilde iletişim kurar ve devasa iGaming pazarında kendinizi farklılaştırırsınız. Markanızın dili ister resmi, ister samimi, isterse ikisinin arasında bir yerde olsun, tüm platformlarda ve iletişimlerde tutarlı olduğundan emin olun. 

Etkileyici Bir Görsel Kimlik Oluşturun

Her türlü görsel unsur marka tanınırlığı için hayati önem taşır. Profesyonel bir logoya yatırım yapın, tutarlı bir renk paleti seçin ve tüm pazarlama materyalleri için tutarlı bir tasarım dili geliştirin. iGaming operatörleri için modern ve dinamik bir görsel kimlik, teknolojik hüner ve yenilikçiliği ifade edebilir.

Güçlü Bir Çevrimiçi Konum ve Dijital Ayak İzi Geliştirin

iGaming sektöründe, olağanüstü bir çevrimiçi konuma sahip olmak bir zorunluluktur. Web sitenizin profesyonelliği yansıttığından, gezinmesi kolay olduğundan ve SEO açısından optimize edildiğinden emin olun. Okuyucularınızın ilgisini çekmek için sitenizi açık ve uygun içeriklerle (blog girdileri veya sektör haberleri) güncel tutun. Sosyal medyayı unutmayın: sosyal medya başka bir platformdan daha fazlasıdır; hedef kitlenizle kişisel düzeyde bağlantı kurabileceğiniz ve bir topluluk oluşturabileceğiniz yerdir.

İçerik Pazarlamasının Gücünden Yararlanın 

İçerik pazarlaması, iGaming için otorite ve güven oluşturmada çok önemli bir rol oynar. Hedef kitlenizin ihtiyaçlarına ve beğenilerine hitap eden konularda çarpıcı makaleler yazın. Bunlar blog makaleleri, oyuncular için öngörüler ve ipuçları olabilir – bu alandaki bilginizi gösterecek herhangi bir yazılı materyal. Bu yayınlar aracılığıyla müşterilerinizle paylaşabileceğiniz sektördeki en son haberler veya yenilikler de buna dahildir. 

Network Oluşturma ve Ortaklıklar Kurma

Sektör içinde güçlü ilişkiler kurmak çok önemlidir. Mümkün olan tüm sektör etkinliklerine, zirvelere, web seminerlerine aktif olarak katılın ve konuyla ilgili çevrimiçi forumlara ve gruplara katılın. Network oluşturmak, sektör trendleri konusunda güncel kalmanıza yardımcı olur ve markanızı iGaming pazarında önemli bir oyuncu olarak konumlandırır. 

Müşteri Deneyimine Odaklanın

Olağanüstü müşteri hizmetleri, güçlü bir marka kimliğinin temel taşıdır. İGaming operatörleri için bu, güvenilir destek sağlamak, müşterilerin endişelerini derhal gidermek ve müşteri geri bildirimlerine dayalı olarak hizmetlerinizi sürekli iyileştirmek anlamına gelir. Olumlu bir müşteri deneyimi sadakati artırır ve müşterilerin ağızdan ağıza iletişimini teşvik eder.

Marka Stratejinizi İzleyin ve Uyarlayın

Marka oluşturma devam eden bir süreçtir. Müşteri geri bildirimleri, etkileşim oranları ve çevrimiçi incelemeler gibi metrikleri kullanarak markanızın performansını düzenli olarak izleyin. 

Esnek olun ve pazardaki değişikliklere ve iGaming sektöründeki yeni fırsatlara yanıt olarak markalaşma stratejinizi uyarlamaya hazır olun.

Güçlü bir marka kimliği oluşturmaya yatırım yaparak pazarda rekabet avantajı elde edebilirsiniz. Net, iyi tanımlanmış bir marka doğru müşterileri çeker, güveni teşvik eder ve uzun vadeli büyümeyi destekler. Güçlü bir marka kimliği oluşturmak tek seferlik değil, sürekli bir çalışmadır. Markanızın iGaming sektöründe güncel ve etkili kalmasını sağlamak için marka değerlerinize bağlı kalın, kitlenizle etkileşim kurun ve sektör trendlerine uyum sağlayın.

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Ağustos 8, 2022 / Blog

iGaming’de Anahtar Teslim Çözümler

iGaming sektöründe anahtar teslim yazılım çözümleri, giderek daha popüler bir seçenek haline geliyorlar. Bu şekilde işletmeler, önceden hazırlanmış yazılımları ve kullanıma hazır bir iGaming platformunu günlük operasyonlarına ve hizmetlerine kolayca dahil edebiliyorlar. Bu sayede daha kısa sürede daha iyi ürün ve hizmetler sunarak şirketlerinin performansını artırabiliyor ve rekabette daha iyi performans gösterebiliyorlar.

Anahtar teslim çözümleri mevcut işletmelere entegre etmek çocuk oyuncağıdır. Anahtar teslimi bir çözüm kullanmak, kendi yazılımınızı ve iGaming platformunuzu sıfırdan geliştirme ve sürdürme ihtiyacını ortadan kaldırır. Burada, alanında uzman kişiler tarafından tasarlanmış ve özelleştirilmiş bir iGaming platformu ve yazılımı vardır. Bu sayede operatörün gereksinimlerine ve hedeflerine göre uyarlanabilir. Bununla birlikte, bir iGaming operasyonunu yürütmek için gerekli lisansı almaktan şirket sahibi sorumludur. Ancak lisanslama konusunda bazı yardımlar genellikle saygın ve deneyimli sağlayıcılardan temin edilebilir.

İşte anahtar teslim bir çözümün sağlayabilecekleri:

Web Sitesi

Bir iGaming şirketi, anahtar teslim çözüm paketinin bir parçası olarak kullanıcı dostu, iyi düzenlenmiş ve estetik açıdan çekici olan çok dilli bir web sitesine sahip olur.


Anahtar teslim bir çözümün sağlayıcısı, iGaming işletmesine uygulanmaya hazır bir yazılım sağlar. Bu yazılım sayesinde tüm güvenlik, finans ve içerik konuları ele alınabilir.


iGaming operasyonunun web sitesi, anahtar teslim çözüm sağlayıcısının sunucularında barındırılır.

Ödeme işlemleri

Güvenli ve emniyetli bir yaklaşım, anahtar teslim çözüm sağlayıcısının ödeme sistemlerini kullanır: örneğin, ön ödemeli kartlar, kredi kartları, kripto para birimleri ve e-cüzdanlar.

iGaming içeriği

Anahtar teslim çözümler genellikle dünya çapındaki en popüler oyun sağlayıcılarının en iyi iGaming içerikleriyle birlikte gelir.

Teknik destek

Birçok işletme başarılı bir iGaming operasyonunu yönetmek için gerekli teknik uzmanlıktan yoksun olabileceğinden, anahtar teslim sistemler hem profesyonel teknik yardım hem de 24 saat destek içerir.


Bazı anahtar teslim çözüm sağlayıcıları pazarlama araçları sunarlar. Bunlar arasında bonus sistemleri, CRM, sosyal medya yönetimi, satış ortaklığı pazarlaması ve benzerleri yer alabilir.

Anahtar teslim iGaming yazılımı kullanmanın hem artıları hem de eksileri vardır, bu nedenle iGaming işine girmeyi düşünüyorsanız bunlardan birkaçını listelemek adil olacaktır.

Anahtar Teslim Çözümlerin Avantajları
Kolay uygulama
İyi bir sağlayıcı size kullanıma hazır bir seçenek sunacağından, anahtar teslim bir çözümün uygulanması daha kolaydır. Dolayısıyla, iGaming platformunuzu kullanmaya başlamak için ihtiyacınız olan tek şey saygın bir yazılım tedarikçisi seçmektir.

Daha ucuz

Anahtar teslim çözümler, kendi yazılımınızı sıfırdan geliştirmekten daha ucuzdur. Böylece giderlerden tasarruf edersiniz. Ayrıca, kullanım kolaylığı nedeniyle, kurulumu için fazladan zaman veya çaba harcamanız gerekmez.

Özellik Bakımından Zengin

Anahtar teslim yazılım çözümleri, normalde herhangi bir iGaming operasyonunun ihtiyaçlarını karşılaması beklenen çok çeşitli kullanışlı özellikler içerir. Bu, anahtar teslim bir çözüme yatırım yapmadan önce iki kez kontrol etmeniz gereken bir şeydir.


İşletme sahipleri, anahtar teslim çözüm sayesinde iGaming web sitelerini kendi tercihlerine göre özelleştirebilirler. Platformun tarzı ve hissi, mevcut oyunların miktarı ve hatta web sitesinin genel görünümü iGaming işletmesi tarafından özelleştirilebilir.

En İyi Yazılım Geliştiricileri Parmaklarınızın Ucunda
Anahtar teslim bir yazılım çözümü, işletmelere profesyonel iGaming yazılım geliştiricileriyle işbirliği yapma fırsatı sunar. Bu, iGaming platformunun ve gerekli içeriğin kullanılabilirliğini sağlar.

Risk Yönetimi

Anahtar teslim paketler normalde iGaming platformu sahibinin olası dolandırıcıları tespit etmesine, kara para aklamayı önlemesine ve kişisel verileri korumasına yardımcı olan bir risk yönetim sistemi içerir.

Sorun Çözmenin Kestirme Yolları

Anahtar teslim sağlayıcılar, iGaming platformu sahiplerinin hızlı teknoloji çözümlerine erişimini garanti eder. Sonuç olarak oyuncular, oyun sitesinde kolay ve sorunsuz bir deneyim bekleyebilirler.

Anahtar Teslim Çözümlerin Dezavantajları
Çalışmak için kendi lisansınızı almanız gerekir.
Oyun lisansı almak zaman alan ve yoğun emek gerektiren bir iştir. iGaming işletmenizin lisansı sizin sorumluluğunuzdadır, bu nedenle anahtar teslim yazılım kullanmaya karar verirseniz lisanslama prosedürünü önceden planlayın.

Akıllıca bir seçim

Sonuç olarak, anahtar teslim çözümler size güvenli ve başarılı bir iGaming platformu sağlarken çok fazla zaman ve para da kazandırabilir. Anahtar teslim yazılımın pek çok dezavantajını bulmak zordur. Anahtar teslim çözüm titizlikle geliştirildiği ve iGaming endüstrisinin benzersiz taleplerine göre uyarlandığı için avantajları dezavantajlarından daha ağır basar.

Uluslararası alanda güvenilir, zamanla test edilmiş ve deneyimli bir sağlayıcı olarak bilinen Digitain, anahtar teslim çözümün tüm avantajlarını sunmaktadır. Eğer iGaming operasyonunuz için anahtar teslim yazılım seçeneğini tercih ederseniz, Digitaini kesinlikle düşünmeye değer. Bu akıllıca bir seçim olacaktır.

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[:en]Top 5 Features to Distinguish Trusted iGaming Software Provider[:]

Haziran 27, 2019 / Blog


Starting an iGaming company, whether it’s opening a new business or taking your land-based casino online is a serious feat. The good news is that the industry is evolving very fast, which provides operators numerous opportunities for success. As a result, there are more and more operators entering the market, with the hope to leverage iGaming. Making it challenging for companies to survive and grow into respected operators.


Why the Right iGaming Software Provider Matters?

The extremely competitive market and increased player expectations make running an online gaming business challenges. The key to being successful in this ever-changing industry is having a trusted iGaming software provider. A high-quality igaming software provides secure and rigid business growth, and most importantly, boosts ROI.

When choosing your iGaming software provider, you need to make sure you can rely on this trusted partner to go through the stages of leading a successful online gaming business. Meaning, your trusted iGaming software provider should have the following features.


1. Robust and Flexible Platform

The provider should provide a scalable and flexible platform that will be the basis of your operations. It should be able to accommodate all your business needs. The platform will be the core of your iGaming business, and the place where you store all your user data and manage your gaming processes. Whether you go for a white label or turnkey solution, your iGaming platform must contain some basic features.


2.Wide Variety of Quality Games

Even the best developed platform is worthless if it doesn’t offer a large scale of top quality games. The platform should enable you to add comprehensive Sportsbook, Casino, Live Casino, VR Casino, and Skill games to ensure player engagement and enjoyable user experience. The most reliable iGaming software providers offer a wide variety of cutting-edge gaming and betting solutions to meet the varying players’ needs.

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3.Advanced Customer Relationship Management Tools

An iGaming platform should take special steps to attract players and keep them engage. One way to do that is by offering bonuses, jackpots and tournaments with big pool prizes. Most iGaming platforms come equipped with CRM tools that will enable you to better understand players’ needs. Then, offer them what they want, reduce the churn rate, refine player segmentation for targeted market and so on.  


4.Anti-Fraud and Risk Management Tools

Online gaming operators are often the target of cheaters seeking ways to take more than they fair share. Since risky players can cause a huge problem, protecting your gaming business from fraudulent activities is crucial. When choosing an iGaming software provider they offer an AI-powered real-time risk management system. Most modern ML-based risk management tools allow gaming operators to promote responsible gaming, and instantly detect and manage risky players, so they can preventing fraudulent activities before they happen happens.


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5.Multicurrency and Multilingual Support

Providing players with 24/7 support is another extremely important aspect of running an iGaming business. Cos if you fail to provide a correct answer to only one question, you risk losing a customer. But some of the trusted iGaming software providers also provide services such as – top-quality, prompt, helpful, multichannel, and multilingual support. Moreover, you need to make sure your software provider is also enable players to use different payments methods in multiple currencies.



Final Words

There are the top 5 factors you need to consider when choosing an iGaming software provider. The company you partner with needs to be able to provide you full support, comprehensive tools and featured that will help you run a successful iGaming business.

There are many gaming and betting software providers on the market that offer all-in-one, innovative solutions that ensure the growth of your company. And it’s up to you to do your research, and find that one that best fits your needs. Making the right decision and picking the best and most trusted iGaming software provides is how your company can stand out of the competition with a rich offering of quality games, increasing number of returning players and sustainable income. So make it wisely.


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Why payment methods matter when gaming operators are expanding internationally

Mayıs 20, 2019 / Blog

Traditionally, the growth and development of online payments were linked to developments in e-commerce. Maybe saying this would be too bold, but in five years from now the term ‘online payments’ may be obsolete. E-wallets and payment platforms become increasingly accessible from smartphones, and slowly starting to dominate offline payments too. While e-commerce still plays an important role in innovation in payments, in the past several years, online gaming and gambling are driving the innovation in online payments.

International Expansion of iGaming Operators and Software Providers

Global expansion used to be reserved for big companies. But iGaming operators and software providers have changed the rules of the game. Now, thanks to global payment technology it is very easy to expand to new markets quickly. A great testament to the power and reach of online gambling are the numerous eSports tournaments with prize pots of several millions of dollars, and stretching across all continents. The industry’s worldwide reach presents obvious and enticing opportunities for businesses, giving them access to millions of customers across the planet.

But in order to truly maximize the potential of international expansion, iGaming software providers and online gambling operators need to ensure they have the right payment methods for each region. And for that, they need to make the right partnership with payment processing companies. When choosing or diversifying payment options, iGaming operators need to make sure their payment provider(s) is able to meet their international needs. And there are few key services their payment provider should have, such as cross-border payments, accepting multiple currencies, etc.

Understanding Local Payment Needs and Possibilities

Usually, most online gaming and online gambling operators offer their services internationally. People from around the globe can open their website, create an account and play. But accepting payments in multiple currencies in order to reach international players is no longer enough. Every market and every region is different. Aside from having different currencies, different regions have their own payment needs, possibilities or preferences. In Europe, and parts of North America, players prefer to use debit and credit cards. While in Asia, digital wallets, such as NETELLER and Skrill, are the first choice of consumers and players driving the eCommerce growth. But digital wallets also have an audience among online gamers in Europe, along with online cash replacement systems.

That’s why when expanding to new markets, operators need to be aware of the local payment requirements, and partner with a provider that has in-depth knowledge of the region they are targeting and the technical capability to support their operation in those markets. Fortunately, there are several payment providers that recognize these needs and provides services in numerous markets around the world. They process credit card payments and offer alternative payment methods such as digital wallets and cash replacement systems.

Enabling Cross-Border Payments

If your online gaming platform is available to players overseas, it is imperative that your payment provider can enable secure and effective cross-border eCommerce. The best practice for online gaming operators is to team up with a provider that offers a broad range of global payment solutions with the scope to process payments in multiple currencies. Ideally, the payment provider should be able to process card and alternative payments in GBP, EUR and USD and as many additional currencies as possible. This will make it much easier for your business to operate overseas. Some providers also have specialist fraud and risk management tools that are helpful in taking the stress out of processing international payments, and ensuring all finances are safe.

Safeguarding Users from Problem Gambling

One key thing to keep in mind when deciding to grow your business is that with the rise of online gaming and gambling, is the industry’s duty to protect players from problem gambling. In fact, operators in the US and EU must take steps to identify risky behavior and stop users from gambling when it’s not permitted or before it turns into a problem. So when choosing a payment provider, online gambling operators should partner with one that is experienced and able to support them in safeguarding their users.

The world of iGaming and advancements in payment tech have influenced one another, driving growth in both fields. But with the ability to expand internationally comes the need to offer players stable and safe payment methods suitable to their needs and preferences. Partnering with the right payment service provider and integrating a comprehensive payment processing solution that can meet any specific customer payment need and preference can be the key to international success and staying ahead of the competition.

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Neuromarketing & Gambling

Şubat 26, 2019 / Blog

For decades, gaming leverages human psychology to motivate user behavior. Players can spend hours on a single game and enter a state of flow more easily than in other fields. This is no accident because games are designed using neuroscience and neuromarketing tools and concepts to analyze consumer behavior and determine how a person will respond to various (marketing) factors to ensure maximum engagement and drive sales.

Neuroscience Concepts used in Gaming

Based on the key neuroscience concepts, cognitive load, search and attention, and branding, iGaming companies and casinos use several tools to design and develop gaming sites and platforms which attract a large number of players and maximize spending to ensure players will come back to play again.

Cognitive Load

The cognitive load refers to the amount of information people are processing at any one time. Cognitive load is connected to working memory, thus the more information in the short-term memory, the higher the cognitive load. Consequently, as the cognitive load increases, consumers’ ability to make purchasing decisions decreases.

That is why it is important to manage consumers’ cognitive load proactively and lower the number of choices or features. One clear implication is creating simpler UI/UX that lowers the cognitive loads, thus yields better engagement.

Another important factor in product design and creation is the underlying product mechanics. Slot machines are a great example here for proving why a simple game can be very popular for a very long time. The game mechanics of slot machines create the lowest cognitive load for players. This game provides entertainment without using too much (mental) energy.

Search and Attention

Another very powerful application of neuromarketing is based on a consumers’ search process and the selection they make afterward. There are two types of search, driven by different parts of the brain.

Bottom-up search, where a person makes an unconscious decision because something grabbed their attention. This search is generally driven by color, contrast, shape or density, and the persons usually end up buying something unplanned.  The other type is top-down search where a person is looking for something specific and makes a more conscious decision.

When creating a gaming platform or online casino site it is important to determine the type of search your consumers will conduct. Then, based on your UI/UX on that insight. If you want players to engage easier – try a new game, increase their in-game time and spending – then you need to make those options stand out during a bottom-up search.

Importance of Branding

The value of branding is much debated in neuromarketing, but it shows as very important, and at times crucial for consumers making a purchasing decision. Branding helps consumers minimize the cognitive load and makes decision making easier. A familiar brand tells consumers a lot about the product (style, quality, durability, etc.), whereas an unfamiliar brand requires spending a lot of mental energy assessing that information. Thus, a familiar product will probably be chosen.

Branding also helps ease the search process, especially bottom-up search – a familiar brand is more likely to attract the consumers’ attention. Additionally, strong brands create (positive) emotions around products even before consumers consciously evaluate the product.

Influencing Players’ Behaviour

Neuromarketing is a fairly new discipline that has major implications in gaming. In combination with neuroscientific tools like reward escalation, social proof and collaboration mechanisms, iGaming sites and online casinos ‘hook’ their players to stay in the game for longer periods of time to try to out-score their opponents.

Understanding how players’ brains work and what motivates them can greatly help game designers to tailor games for better in-game experience, thus encouraging players to come to the same platform again and again. Ultimately, the cycle of playing, competing and occasionally winning, translates to better business and bigger profits for iGaming sites and online casinos.

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Disruptive technologies for 2021 | Betting Industry

Ocak 5, 2019 / Blog

Every year, we witness new trends in technology that move and shape the next cycle of innovation. Even though some of these disruptive technologies are still developing, their application is expected to change and enhance many processes across various industries. They will shape the future of many companies and challenge business owners and investors alike to either jump on the innovation train or stay behind and lose business.

Changes in the Tech-Landscape

Companies are increasingly looking for new technologies that will increase employee engagement and expand their market shares, while they are carefully gathering data relating to their competitors’ successes of failures.
But which are the dominant trends that spark the innovation train and offer business new opportunities in 2021?

Quantum Computing (supercomputing)

Quantum computing is still an emerging technology and still in its infancy, but it has the potential to reshape problem-solving and find application through a variety of quantum computing services across many industries. Automotive, finance, science, security, insurance, pharmaceuticals, military, and research, to name a few, have the most to gain from this advanced technology.

The ability to process large volumes of data can solve many modern business challenges including data analysis, supply chain logistics, risk management. Quantum computing can provide companies with an undeniable competitive edge and help them deal with problems everyday computers can’t solve.

While quantum computers are not yet available for regular use, it is a good time for businesses to increase their knowledge and understanding of the technology to identify potential applications and consider possible security implications. For most enterprises, this means remaining in the exploration phase through 2022 and exploiting the tech later.

Smart Machines

Smart machines have the potential to change the way many tasks and processes are performed. The fusion of cloud computing, big data, robotics, and IoT leads to creating machines with extended capabilities, capable of operating autonomously and securely, able to avoid and correct errors, learn and anticipate future events, and interact with other machines and systems. The application of smart machines is extensive – from an everyday mundane task to advanced tech processes, offering a competitive advantage to companies that adopt this technology, and the opportunity to move profit margins and streamline manufacturing processes.

This is yet another technology which is still developing and is expected to blossom through 2021, along with other spreading technologies such as intelligent personal assistants, advanced global industrial systems, and smart advisers, making smart machines the most disruptive tech in the history of IT.

API Platforms

API technology has enabled companies from similar and/or complementary industries to work together to maximize business opportunities. Integration of different services increases the chance for companies to earn higher profits from customers while offering relevant services. API platforms are based on the idea of creating an open, connected future, where customers are allowed to see all their information in one place.

One industry to mostly benefit is iGaming because API platforms would enable operators to satisfy all of their players’ needs. Integrating all necessary information and services in one place, among many things, ensures making transparent transactions and never having to put a player on hold because of a queue or missing key information.

Businesses are becoming increasingly dependent on technology-based partnerships, and API integration is the key to unlocking these growth possibilities. They will enable organizations to establish a competitive advantage and additionally, open a whole new customer-base for each company.

Instant payments

The demand for convenience and instant money transfers keeps growing. As a result, new payment solutions are emerging on the market, making it easy for consumers to transfer money between each other or pay for various products and services. At the beginning 2018, InstaPay Tracker reports there are 30 live instant payment solutions worldwide and 18 more announced for the upcoming years.
These new payment solutions are easy to use and offer numerous benefits for businesses. eCommerce and iGaming and the two industries that are expected to reap immediate benefits from implementing instant payment solutions because that way users can sign up and start making payments straight away.

Offering instant payments solution in addition to standard sign up and registration options prevent drop-outs and improve conversions because users won’t have to go through several redirects and wait to be able to start playing or purchase a product. Moreover, instant payment solutions enable full KYC compliance, which further speeds up the process of player registration.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and speech recognition are nothing new, but these trends are still developing and finding new applications daily. The advancements in these fields, however, are very prominent and are changing the way businesses operate.

Robotic process automation software has become very trendy among many businesses because automating time-consuming tasks can save employees time and ensure processes are conducted smoothly and accurately.

An industry that is predicted to be heavily impacted by RPA is iGaming, with the expectancy that bots and automated betting will make an apparent takeover during and post-2021. Moreover, machine learning technology and AI sports traders are continuously developing. Their ability to process data and events immediately and more accurately has many benefits for operators including, processing live feeds and social profiles, setting markets and real-time odds, to name a few.

Technology-Powered Success

Over the years, SciFi movies have depicted AI robots as these powerful machines that will take over the world. Perhaps way too far such a reality, but we do live in a world where the lines between the physical and the digital are becoming increasingly blurred.

Small developing companies have the power to break monopolies, and flexibility has to prove to be one of the most critical aspects of innovation. With new technologies penetrating the business sphere faster, consolidating and diversifying innovation tactics is more important than ever. Fortunately, having a solid strategy in combination with reliable innovation software and management team, and adjusting to changes should prove exciting and beneficial, rather than scary.

Which innovation trends are you looking to introduce to your organization in 2021?

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The Asian Gaming Industry – A Hawk-Eyed View

Ocak 4, 2019 / Blog

Asia has displayed great progress in improving the gaming industry. Apart from the places that are already established in gambling such as Macau, there are also the countries that are looking to enter the market big time, such as Japan. Let’s take a look at some of the overall state of affairs in gambling on the biggest continent.


The rapid improvement of the Chinese economy resulted in the increasing popularity of the gambling industry. However, apart from the state-run lottery, the only two places where people can actually play casino games in China are Macau and Hong Kong.

Being unable to gamble in mainland China, many Chinese citizens visit Macau which is nowadays considered an important gaming center, similar to Las Vegas.

In fact, the overall annual turnover of Macau is five times bigger compared to Vegas, so it’s pretty clear which area can be considered the gaming capital of the world at the moment.


The Japanese government, led by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, decided to make a historical change in the country by legalizing the building of three integrated resorts.

According to some analysts, Japan is predicted to be a huge gaming market — even bigger than Macau or Las Vegas. Consequently, a big battle among some of the most significant gaming operators is currently underway, as they are trying to win the affection of the government and receive a licence for building an integrated resort (IR).

The government also needs to select three locations which are the most suitable for IRs, and many variables are in the game right now. One thing is certain — Japan’s untapped market is very lucrative for gaming operators.

The Philippines

Filipinos have an opportunity to play casino games and bet on sports country-wide, as they have a very powerful organization that licenses and regulates the market in the country. The Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (aka PAGCOR) is responsible for licensing casinos in almost every part of the Philippines, except for a couple of special economic zones that have authorities of their own.


Singapore has been one of the gambling centers in Asia for quite some time now, as it currently features ten land-based casinos, a horse track, and a couple of poker rooms and bingo halls. In fact, Singapore — Marina Bay in particular — is home to one of the most beautiful casino buildings operated by Las Vegas Sands, and its name is Marina Bay Sands. Chances are high that you already know what we’re talking about if you’re a gaming enthusiast.


India has a somewhat love/hate relationship with gambling, as it is legal only in certain parts of the country. Although its residents can bet on horse racing and lottery country-wide, they can enjoy other games only in the states of Sikkim, Goa and Daman. It’s safe to say that many operators are in the “grey area”, meaning they are neither legal nor completely illegal, as India struggles to define some games as gambling, according to their current law.

Foreigners Only Approach

Some countries in Asia, including South Korea and Vietnam, officially banned gambling, yet they offer casinos and other gambling facilities for foreigners. In other words, if you visit South Korea, you will be able to play casino games legally, but South Korean citizens will not.

Islamic Countries

The majority of Islamic countries completely banned gambling. These are mainly Middle Eastern countries such as UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, and more. Even if you are just visiting, you will not be able to find any casinos or sportsbooks there, and will probably be prosecuted for taking part in any kind of illegal gambling activity.

Illegal Gambling and Online Gaming

Although some Asian countries either completely prohibit or partly allow gambling activities, their citizens still manage to enjoy various gaming options, including illegal gambling and playing casino games on online offshore-licensed casinos.

In other words, some countries do not focus much on this type of behavior of their residents, meaning that people residing in those countries are free to play games in online casinos. On the other hand, certain states (especially the Islamic ones such as the UAE) pay a lot of attention to this “issue,” banning any type of gambling content, including online gambling.

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