
一月 20, 2023 / 新的功能




  • 升级的促销活动:让您的玩家了解并参与最新的新闻和促销活动。
  • 按批次进行平衡校正:利用这一方便的功能,一次对多个玩家的余额进行调整。
  • 通话请求:允许玩家直接从平台上请求客户支持的电话。
  • 域配置:轻松地配置和管理您的平台的多个域。
  • 标签系统:用一个可定制的标签系统来组织和分类您的球员。
  • 大堂管理:为您的平台管理和定制大堂。
  • 按批次发放体育奖金:一次将奖金应用于多个球员.
  • 自动现金返还:为您的玩家设置自动返现.
  • 奖金运动:为您的平台创建和管理奖金运动。
  • 动态游戏区段:根据玩家的行为和其他标准创建动态游戏段。
  • 推送通知:向您的球员发送推送通知,以保持他们的信息和参与。



  • 体育返现奖金:为特定运动的玩家提供返现奖金.
  • 体育大奖:独特的体育大奖,将提高参与度
  • 体育锦标赛:创建和管理特定运动的锦标赛。
  • 领先2球的提前奖金:让玩家选择在球队领先2球的情况下提前获得奖金。
  • AI运动推荐系统:根据玩家的习惯为其提供更好的游戏 根
  • 赌注比赛:为您的体育投注站创建和管理投注赛事。







  • 灰狗比赛
  • 英格兰联赛
  • 非洲杯
  • 世界杯
  • 欧洲杯
  • 冠军联赛
  • 南美解放者杯
  • 基诺


  • 灰狗比赛
  • 英格兰联赛
  • 世界杯
  • 非洲杯
  • 欧洲杯
  • 基诺









二月 1, 2022 / 新的功能





第1名 – 冰球

第2名 – 冬季两项

第3名 – 冰壶


第1名 – 男子冰球决赛(俄罗斯对德国)


Digitain的体育博彩产品经理Zohrab Karapetyan表示:《我们十分期待今年的冬奥会,这将会是一个热闹非凡的投注盛会。我们预计,在我们的合作伙伴网络中投注的玩家人数将会创下新高,而我们也会有更多精彩的投注选项供他们选择。事实上,为了吸引更多关注,我们还增加了8个全新的冬季体育项目:雪车(有舵雪橇)、北欧两项、无舵雪橇、钢架雪车、单板滑雪、速度滑冰、短道速滑、自由式滑雪。这意味着,我们将为每一个冬奥会项目提供赔率,这在我们行业中前所未有,甚至可能是独一无二的。》



Casino Software Solutions Provider

三月 5, 2021 / 新的功能

Digitain很高兴地宣布推出一款激动人心的新游戏Keno Express。

Keno Express由Digitain自己的游戏开发团队内部建造,是Digitain的快速游戏产品组合中的一款新产品。

Keno Express为客户提供了一种动态、快节奏的体验,每分钟都会推出并解决一款新游戏。

有很多机会可供下注,为娱乐各种各样的玩家提供了极好的体验。客户可以在每次Keno Express游戏中从100个球中选择获胜的球,从而赢得大奖。或者,他们可以选择在自己选择的特定号码上下注,甚至在特定号码范围内下注。玩家甚至可以在任何游戏中进行多项选择。

Digitain的快速游戏部门的负责人Hayk Sargsyan对这款新产品的推出表示欢迎;“我们的合作伙伴要求我们提供一款新型的Keno游戏–他们说了,我们听了!Keno Express是我们的快速游戏套件中的一个精彩补充–充满活力、色彩丰富、令人兴奋–有很多下注机会可供选择。对于运营商来说,它还为他们提供了一款优秀的产品,既可以吸引新玩家,也可以吸引现有玩家。”



十一月 27, 2020 / 新的功能

Digitain 很高兴地宣布重新推出全新升级和重新设计的经典快速游戏卢克顿 



Digitain 的游戏产品经理 Hayk Sargsyan 对推出性能最佳的快速游戏之一感到非常兴奋:”我们的合作伙伴及其客户都非常喜欢现有版本的卢克顿。该游戏在许多市场都非常受欢迎。本公司非常有信心,新升级的版本会有更好的表现。更新后的 3D 图形和更好的客户体验将使这款游戏成为赢家。” 

新更新的卢克顿游戏现在可以在 Digitain 合作伙伴网络中玩到。 

Game On Digitain table football betting, First Table Football Betting Market, table football prediction
游戏将于 7 月开始!

七月 3, 2020 / 新的功能

为现场体育直播的回归,Digitain 针对新合作伙伴推出了一项新的奖励活动: Game On! 

任何在 2020 年 7 月期间注册使用 Digitain 获奖体育博彩产品的新合作伙伴,都将获得本公司的改变游戏规则的桌足球产品,以及我们自己的投注游戏和技巧游戏套件-快速、免费集成,无设置成本。 

对于Digitain,B2B营销主管Lilit Azatyan表示了:“和所有人一样,我们很高兴更多的现场体育赛事恢复了正常服务,即使是闭门进行的。为了庆祝,我们将在7月份推出Game On激励活动,以我们自己受欢迎的游戏产品和本公司的屡获殊荣的体育博彩为特色,为新合作伙伴提供优质的组合优惠”。 

table football betting, First Table Football Betting Market, table football prediction, table football odds
Digitain scores a winner with its industry-first Live Table Football Odds Feed

五月 26, 2020 / 新的功能


Available now to any operator, live streamed table football from Digitain with over 1500 games per month and over 50 markets per game.


Leading global sportsbook and casino platform provider Digitain has announced the launch of its latest in-house development, and a first for the industry – a live streamed table football feed, featuring professional players, supported by pre-play and in-play odds and player statistics.

This live table football feed is now being made available to any operator who wants to gain competitive advantage by offering this exciting package to their customers.

Operators’ customers everywhere can experience this exciting and entertaining initiative, designed to drive acquisition and retention of their customers, grow revenues and enhance competitiveness.

With over 400 matches played every week and with over 50 markets available to bet on in each match – this is product is a great boost for customers searching for entertaining action.

An AI generated odds feed and real-time statistical player data add to the excitement – combine that with the skills and strategy being streamed live from our exclusive studio – and you really have the complete package.

Definitely no spinning!

Amid widespread disruption to sporting events, Digitain continues to equip their 70+ international partners with a fantastic range of alternate revenue streams including premium quality betting options for esports, virtuals and alternative sporting markets and are now ready to release this great new product to the wider industry. 

Martin Clarke, Director of Product Management at Digitain said: “Sports fans everywhere around are missing competitive sports and this new live odds feed will enable operators to differentiate their offering and to be more competitive at this challenging time.. We have exciting plans to further develop this innovation – and look forward to delivering further value to our partners” 

“Following in the footsteps of our recent new product launches; RocketOn, Crash and Penalty– our Live Table Football service marks the latest addition to our acclaimed in-house catalogue, as Digitain continues to help operators – old and new – to respond to fixture schedule disruption with action-packed alternatives.” 

Fully customised for the varied challenges of diverse legislative environments, Digitain’s comprehensive package of sports betting solutions received multiple awards for excellence in 2019, including the EGR, RGW, CEEGC and BEGE Awards. 



Read the article on CalvinAyre as well. 


Penalty Game Software iGaming Platform, Casino Software Solutions Provider,
[:en]Digitain steps up to the mark with football-themed Penalty[:]

五月 20, 2020 / 新的功能


Global sportsbook and casino platform provider Digitain has announced the launch of its latest in-house betting product, Penalty. 

The game invites players to join in on one of football’s most exciting moments, creating all the suspense, drama and anticipation of a live penalty shoot-out.
With a matchday soundtrack and immersive visual effects recreating the unforgettable thrills of the football season, players are awarded for correctly predicting the randomly generated outcome as the penalty taker steps up to take on the keeper one-on-one.

The casino-style release sees Digitain further enhance its celebrated gaming suite, comprised of an in-house portfolio alongside over 4,000 titles from industry leading suppliers such as NetEnt, Yggdrasil and Microgaming. 

Amid widespread disruption to sporting events, the provider continues to equip 70+ international partners with a variety of alternate revenue streams including premium quality betting options for esports, virtuals and alternative sporting markets. 

Martin Clarke, director of product management at Digitain said: “Football enthusiasts around the globe are sorely missing the beautiful game, and this thrilling new title helps to fill the gap in sporting action for entertainment-hungry fans. 

“Following in the footsteps of RocketOn and Crash, Penalty marks the latest addition to our acclaimed in-house catalogue, as Digitain continues to help operators respond to fixture schedule disruption with action-packed alternatives.” 


table football betting, First Table Football Betting Market, table football prediction, table football odds, table football match
Digitain launches world’s first Table Football betting markets

三月 9, 2020 / 新的功能


Leading platform provider Digitain has secured exclusive betting rights for the first in a series of table football tournaments set to be run in collaboration with the Table Football Federation of Armenia.

In a revolutionary move for sport and gaming, Digitain’s team will provide real-time odds in collaboration with a major national operator to deliver the first worldwide Table Football match that offers live betting.

Testament to Digitain’s reputation as one of the world’s most innovative sportsbook providers, the deal will see the provider bolster its industry-leading credentials further by pioneering yet another new vertical.

With several entertaining games played in parallel every 30 minutes during a week-long competition totalling 400 matches, betting markets will initially be available for domestic customers only.

Hosting the matches in its own state-of-the-art studio, Digitain is also set to live stream the event in conjunction with other international sporting fixtures, with plans to collaborate with upcoming international tournaments to take its offering worldwide.

Participants from Digitain’s international operator network will also be able to get in on the action as it goes global with both pre-match and live betting for table football in 2020.

Harutyun Vardanyan, COO at Digitain said: “At Digitain, we’re all about delivering the next generation of sportsbook by ensuring our partners are always ahead of the game when it comes to differentiating themselves from the competition.

“We are delighted to become the world’s first supplier to offer live odds and streaming for Table Football to an international audience. The sky is the limit for this sport’s untapped potential, so we are proud to lead the way in this exciting new vertical. Players far and wide consider themselves to be masters of the sport, and we are confident that our offering will do wonders for attracting even more players given its global popularity.”

In total, Digitain’s sportsbook powers more than 100 global partners’ betting operations, covering 65 sports, 7,500 leagues, and offers more than 3,000 markets.

Fully customised for the varied challenges of live betting in diverse legislative environments, Digitain’s comprehensive package of solutions received multiple awards for excellence in 2019, including the RGW, CEEGC, BEGE and EGR Awards.

It also offers odds on 35,000 live events each month, while its casino solution has 3,000-plus games from major casino suppliers (including Novomatic, Microgaming, NetEnt and Playson).


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New game rock, paper, scissors Digitain
Digitain Offers Betting Twist For Classic Rock, Paper, Scissors

一月 22, 2020 / 新的功能


Leading sportsbook and casino platform provider Digitain has announced the release of its latest in-house gaming classic: Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Well known to fans the world over, Digitain betting adaptation of one of the world’s best-known games retains its well-loved rules, as well as being fully customisable for each and every player who tries their hand.

Allowing the player who starts the game to determine its duration, step time, stake and winning score line, Digitain’s latest creation has been designed to bring players together from across the planet. 

The game starts when two players enter the guest lobby to take on a random opponent, placing bets on a popular game of chance with one point awarded for each winning move. Those who utilise Digitain’s award-winning game mechanics to successfully second guess their opponent are rewarded with sizeable cash-prizes.  

The launch marks the start of an exciting year for Digitain, following a series of impressive landmarks reached by the company in 2019 including RGW, CEEGC, BEGE and EGR Awards for its immersive in-house portfolio of skill games and traditional table games.

Commenting on its latest launch, Arsen Tadevosyan, Product Manager at Digitain said: “We’re yet to meet a player the world over who isn’t accustomed to this well-loved classic.   

“Testing risk, anticipation and probability, this engaging title revitalises a universally enjoyed contest, now supplemented by Digitain’s state-of-the-art betting features – offering our operator partners an action-packed cross sell between the sportsbook experience and casino.”

Alongside its own premium gaming suite, Digitain’s casino platform offers more than 3,000 games from major casino suppliers, including Novomatic, Microgaming, NetEnt and Playson.

The company’s sportsbook product also covers 65 sports, covers 7,500 leagues, and offers more than 3,000 betting markets, as well as odds on 35,000 live events each month. 


Game Minesweeper Digitain
[:en]Digitain Readies Minesweeper For Global Markets[:]

一月 16, 2020 / 新的功能


New gaming title developed in-house to be fully customisable for operator partners

Leading sportsbook and casino platform provider Digitain has further boosted its in-house gaming portfolio with the launch of Minesweeper.

The exhilarating two-player release sees a mine hidden in one of game’s eight cells, with points given to those who select an empty cell when the second player triggers the mine.

The player who initiates the game determines the game’s conditions; including score, duration, step time and bet amount. The second player must then accept the game’s set parameters to join.

True to its action-packed form, Minesweeper offers a winner-takes-all format; with the player who amasses the necessary points set to take home the full jackpot.

Designed to provide operators with a unique, retention-boosting gaming alternative, Minesweeper is fully customisable, ensuring that there is a user-friendly format ready for each player the world over. 

Commenting on the launch, Arsen Tadevosyan, Product Manager at Digitain said: “We are thrilled to launch Minesweeper, an exciting two-player game that tests players’ nerves, builds suspense and takes excitement to explosive levels.

The title strengthens our award-winning game portfolio, and we have no doubt that it will prove a hit with our partners and their players.”

Set to be a strong addition to Digitain’s already impressive product offering, Digitain’s casino platform also offers more than 3,000 games from major casino suppliers, including Novomatic, Microgaming, NetEnt and Playson.

Alongside, Digitain’s sportsbook product covers 65 sports, covers 7,500 leagues, and offers more than 3,000 betting markets, as well as odds on 35,000 live events each month.

