Scout gaming provider Digitain

五月 8, 2019 / 新伙伴

Scout Gaming has entered into an agreement with platform provider DigitainThe agreement stipulates the distribution of Scout Gaming’s game products.

Digitain is among one of the larger platform providers and will make a great potential contribution to our network. This clearly states that Scout Gaming is the first-hand choice when it comes to Fantasy related products, comments Scout Gaming’s CEO, Andreas Ternström. 

 We are continuously looking to improve our product offering and  have found that Scout Gaming  has a proven capability of providing Fantasy Sports games with  a global network and therefore is  experienced partner  to launch and expand Digitain’s Fantasy Sports offering. Scout Gaming’s Fantasy Sports solution will be provided along with our inhouse developed and managed sportsbook solution, comments Digitain’s CCO, Suren Khachatryan. 

 Scout Gaming’s products are expected to be integrated on both platforms no later than the third quarter of this year. 

About Scout Gaming Group 

Scout Gaming Group is a licensed and regulated provider of B2B Daily Fantasy Sports and pool betting. The company offers a flexible and customizable network-based Fantasy Sports solution with support for most sports and leagues through an in-house StatCenter which also provides real-time information to players. Local sports can be provided on request. The Group has approximately 80 staff and is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden with development and operations in Bergen, Norway and Lviv, Ukraine. Sales, support and product management is handled from the office in Malta. Scout Gaming is listed at Stockholm Nasdaq First North. 

The agreement stipulates the distribution of Scout Gaming’s game products.


“Digitain is among one of the larger platform providers and will make a great potential contribution to our network. This clearly states that Scout Gaming is the first-hand choice when it comes to Fantasy related products, comments Scout Gaming’s CEO, Andreas Ternström.


“We are continuously looking to improve our product offering and have found that Scout Gaming has a proven capability of providing Fantasy Sports games with a global network and therefore is experienced partner to launch and expand Digitain’s Fantasy Sports offering. Scout Gaming’s Fantasy Sports solution will be provided along with our in–house developed and managed sportsbook solution”, comments Digitain’s CCO, Suren Khachatryan.


Scout Gaming’s products are expected to be integrated on both platforms no later than the third quarter of this year.


About Scout Gaming Group

Scout Gaming Group is a licensed and regulated provider of B2B Daily Fantasy Sports and pool betting. The company offers a flexible and customizable network-based Fantasy Sports solution with support for most sports and leagues through an in-house StatCenter which also provides real-time information to players. Local sports can be provided on request. The Group has approximately 80 staff and is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden with development and operations in Bergen, Norway and Lviv, Ukraine. Sales, support and product management is handled from the office in Malta. Scout Gaming is listed at Stockholm Nasdaq First North.

Digitain wins BiG Africa Supershow Award

四月 15, 2019 / 奖项

多渠道体育博彩和娱乐场平台供应商Digitain宣布,他们最近于约翰内斯堡举办的第六届BiG Africa Supershow颁奖礼上贏得“最具竞争力”奖。

Digitain的首席运营官Suren Khachatryan表示:“能获颁这一奖项,我们十分欣慰。我们在此想要感谢所有在南非举办的2019年度BiG Africa Show中曾就‘最具竞争力’ 类别为我们投票的行业代表。Digitain在非洲的业务连年增长并赢得了不少新客户,使我们的业务得到了业内同行和客户的一致认可。这次扩张反映出我们在为客户提供卓越技术方面不断提高的声誉,全靠有以客户为中心的交付团队鼎力支持。

Digitain Partners With Patagonia

三月 26, 2019 / 新伙伴

Digitain, one of the leading iGaming software providers, has dived into Patagonia Entertainment’s outstanding portfolio of Video Bingos. This latest content agreement will see Patagonia Entertainment integrate its library of titles into the Digitain platform. Among the titles included will be Pachinko 3D, Goal Bingo, Show Ball Plus and Pirates Bingo.


Digitain provides omni-channel iGaming software solutions to the online, mobile and land-based verticals. The company boasts of over 55 worldwide partners, and more than 400 land-based betting shops worldwide.


Patagonia’s exciting library of games now features over 200 titles and includes third-party games from Ortiz, RCT, Zest, FBM, Spinomenal, Ezugi and MGA.


Patagonia Entertainment’s Global Business Development Manager Victor Arias said: “Digitain’s iGaming solution is in huge demand and our Video Bingo titles fit the company mission perfectly. Our games will help Digitain continue its amazing growth.”


CCO of Digitain Suren Khachatryan commented, “It’s always a pleasure to work with partners such as Patagonia, with whom we have a long-standing agreement. As a business, we share the same enthusiasm and adherence to the highest product delivery and customer experience to our combined international clients, thus ensuring the best-of-breed gaming content is available to the widest player base.”   


About Patagonia Entertainment

Patagonia Entertainment is an omni-channel iGaming platform servicing both new and established online and land-based operators. Its leading game aggregating platform (GAP) is available in Latam and increasingly around the globe. The company began life in Video Bingo game development and is still renowned for creating the most innovative titles on the market. Video Bingo is a hybrid between Bingo and Slot games. The company is one of the most popular technology developers in the Latin American market and is rapidly growing into other markets. The platform, technology and entire games portfolio is lab certified for Colombia, Mexico, Asia and Europe will be coming soon. More information about Patagonia Entertainment can be found at

International women's day at Digitain
Digitain Wishings On The International Women’s Day

三月 7, 2019 / 其他

Digitain is celebrating International Women’s Day, 8th March, in a unique way. Our female colleagues commemorate this day with quotes, congratulating the beautiful gender and wishing all women the best for this day.

Anzhela Marikyan, Business Analyst: “Women in the iGaming industry are strong and tender. They make happiness bloom all around them. That’s why Women are successful.”

Nora Galstyan, Compliance Manager: “A charming woman doesn’t follow the crowd. She is herself! Happy International Women’s Day to all the strong Women!”

Tatevik Sargsyan, Customer Support Specialist: “Women are always a source of inspiration for the family and society. Happy Women’s Day!”

Mane Aharonyan, PO: “Women may you always dream of big things and come up with high aspirations.”

Sue Badalyan, Digital Marketing Specialist: “Strong women make history. Strong women make iGaming. We are proud of each of you, keep smiling and always score the goal.”

Digitain gearing up for the ASEAN Gaming Summit

三月 1, 2019 / 其他

After the spiciest show in India 2019, Digitain is catching the wave to sail to the land of baroque pearls and Bruno Mars to add its proficiency to the highly anticipated ASEAN Gaming Summit, on March 19 – 21 in Pasay, Philippines.

Digitain will showcase its huge variety of innovative solutions and products, such as Sportsbook, Skill Games, DGBuilder and many others to the international audience attending the summit. Our experienced iGaming specialists will welcome all visitors at Stand 23 and answer all the questions.

Attending the highly business oriented ASEAN Gaming Summit, Digitain aims to enlarge its scope throughout the Asian region, as well as showcase its innovative iGaming solutions.

Digitain's remote gaming server
Digitain’s Remote Gaming Server

一月 21, 2019 / 其他

Over the past few years,’ the standard industry relationship in the iGaming supply chain has moved towards one of collaboration as operators seek more control over the development roadmap and brand experience with their platform providers.

One area that has facilitated this important client requirement is the introduction of the Remote Game Server (RGS). RGS is a solution for iGaming content providers and B2C operators that are comprised of the infrastructure and functionality components required for the delivery of the software supplier’s games or content to the gaming system, across online and mobile delivery channels. This flexibility and functionality afforded by the RGS system are a must-have in today’s fast-moving market where content is king and can be the brands’ differentiator for digital player acquisition and retention marketing strategies.

The RGS system offers a seamless user experience across all channels, formats, and devices, whether played in-store or online and mobile. It has an impressive and highly customizable dashboard for operators’ digital marketing teams to both use and to generate the full range of KPI reports per game and per player. Moreover, RGS is armed with micro-services using APIs that enable seamless integration with third-party platforms, thus eliminating a reduction in both cost and time of integration work for launching market-ready new games quickly.

Learn More about RGS

Join us at ICE, ExCeL, Stand  #S2-350 for a demo of our Remote Gaming Server (RGS) and our proven market ready sportsbook or book a meeting as spaces are limited to arrange a confidential no-obligation conversation today.

Digitain awards

二月 19, 2018 / 奖项


Digitain的首席执行官Suren Khachatryan表示:“CEEG中东欧博彩大会是线上游戏行业各项盛会中最值得参加的活动之一,而且地位逐年提高。所以,我们很荣幸能在2018年的颁奖典礼上获颁‘体育博彩技术新星’ 这个殊荣,同时也期待为我们的客户继续提供卓越技术。”


Digitain awards

一月 19, 2018 / 奖项


该博彩奖项由Smile Expo筹办,意在表彰博彩业内最具代表性的公司。活动在国际博彩和娱乐展的俄罗斯博彩周期间举办。

负责领奖的Digtain首席执行官Suren Khachatryan评价道:“RGW是独联体地区最大的展会,我们的团队在过去一年为客户提供的创新强大技术和以客户为中心的战略得到了业界同行的认可,我们对此感到十分高兴。我们会好好珍惜这一殊荣,期待在未来的几年里再接再厉。”

Digitain awards

二月 19, 2017 / 奖项



Digitain的首席执行官Suren Khachatryan表示:“在博彩业摸爬滚打了超过15年,能在2018年度的BEGE博览会中获此殊荣,我们非常高兴。获颁这一奖项,正是因为我们对稳定和可扩展的技术的持续关注,以及为客户和合作伙伴在改善和开发游戏方面的不懈付出。”
