
一月 20, 2023 / 2022年新功能和产品更新




  • 升级的促销活动:让您的玩家了解并参与最新的新闻和促销活动。
  • 按批次进行平衡校正:利用这一方便的功能,一次对多个玩家的余额进行调整。
  • 通话请求:允许玩家直接从平台上请求客户支持的电话。
  • 域配置:轻松地配置和管理您的平台的多个域。
  • 标签系统:用一个可定制的标签系统来组织和分类您的球员。
  • 大堂管理:为您的平台管理和定制大堂。
  • 按批次发放体育奖金:一次将奖金应用于多个球员.
  • 自动现金返还:为您的玩家设置自动返现.
  • 奖金运动:为您的平台创建和管理奖金运动。
  • 动态游戏区段:根据玩家的行为和其他标准创建动态游戏段。
  • 推送通知:向您的球员发送推送通知,以保持他们的信息和参与。



  • 体育返现奖金:为特定运动的玩家提供返现奖金.
  • 体育大奖:独特的体育大奖,将提高参与度
  • 体育锦标赛:创建和管理特定运动的锦标赛。
  • 领先2球的提前奖金:让玩家选择在球队领先2球的情况下提前获得奖金。
  • AI运动推荐系统:根据玩家的习惯为其提供更好的游戏 根
  • 赌注比赛:为您的体育投注站创建和管理投注赛事。







  • 灰狗比赛
  • 英格兰联赛
  • 非洲杯
  • 世界杯
  • 欧洲杯
  • 冠军联赛
  • 南美解放者杯
  • 基诺


  • 灰狗比赛
  • 英格兰联赛
  • 世界杯
  • 非洲杯
  • 欧洲杯
  • 基诺








[:en]Mobile gambling in Latin America. How has the industry changed in 3 years?[:]

六月 14, 2019 / 2022年新功能和产品更新


When online gambling software developers consider the next markets, Latin America is rarely their first choice. That’s no surprise since the top countries by game revenue are China, the U.S., and Japan. Truth is, Latin America finished 2018 with 19% growth year-over-year on mobile platforms. And the predictions say that by 2021 there will be over 235 million smartphone users. Latin America is going through a rapid advancement and quickly catching up to global market leaders.


Let’s look at the Numbers

Latin America is comprised of 26 countries. Collectively, it is twice as big as Europe, and has almost the same number of people. And if all countries are consolidated, like the European Union, it would be the fourth largest. Yet it is still off the radar for most online gambling software developers.


Usually, this is due to the fact that there are income disparities and low bank account ownership. These facts, combined with the recent regional economic decline are making doing business difficult. But there’s still good reason for gambling software developers and operators to consider taking their businesses to Latin America. As it seems it will be the next big mobile gambling market.


For one, industry research shows that the LatAm mobile gaming and gambling market will be worth over $2 billion this year, making it over three times larger than Southeast Asia. Additionally, the growth rates are similar for both regions. The growth is expected to continue, even though only something over 150 million of approximately 630 million people have smartphones. The majority of whom reside in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Chile and Peru.


You need to Invest to Get a Return

In the past several years, Latina America has grown into a potentially huge market, which already accounts for 4 percent of the world’s total game revenue. But research shows that online gambling software developers do not consider this market important and spend less than one percent of their annual ad budget in Latin America.


The key to online gambling growth in Latin America lies in considering it as a region instead of a collection of countries. Mexico has 130 million people and is one of 20 countries that speak Spanish. On the other hand, there’s Brazil, with over 200 million people speaking Portuguese. This fact alone makes it very easy to segment potential players in this region based on language. Meaning Latin America has little of the linguistic complexity of Europe or Asia. Operators’ teams can partner with a local expert in the region and still manage global acquisition campaigns.


Another thing to keep in mind is that you need to appeal to the new generation of gamblers, the ones that prefer online gambling – e.g. millennials (the generation born between 1985 and 2000) who value personalised, innovative online experiences. This is one reason why games themed around a variety of niches are so popular online, providing choice for any type of gamer, regardless of how varied their interests.


Millennials also want to be able to choose between multiple touchpoints. Providing an omni-channel experience that enables playing on desktop and mobile devices is crucial. People in Latin America favour mobile gaming and gambling, the same as in the Western world. It’s just another area online gambling operators should consider when expanding to this market.

Last Words

Even though gambling restrictions remain in place across the world, governments are beginning to see the benefits of a legal but regulated gambling industry. But until online gambling operators see appreciable change in legislation in the U.S and Europe, they are on the lookout for new opportunities. So it’s no wonder Latin America’s one of their new targets.

With the population of the continent standing at over 600 million, there’s a huge audience out there. And people have a strong appetite for gambling. What’s more, travel and tourism are booming in the region – at a rate of 5.1% per year between 2010 and 2020 – which adds the potential for gambling tourism. While it remains to be seen which online gambling operators and software providers will come out on top, there’s no doubt that large organizations with experience working internationally have a clear advantage.


The Economic Crisis and Online Gambling

五月 10, 2019 / 2022年新功能和产品更新

Through the years, the media has often criticized the gambling industry. As a result, many people believe the stereotype that gambling is harmful, and just another vice that can cause addiction due to human desire (and often greed) to make easy money.


In reality, though, there’s another side to that coin. Gambling can be very beneficial to local communities that have been hit by an economic crisis. And it helps in terms of creating employment opportunities, generating tax money, and much more.


Creating Jobs for the Locals

With the opening of a new business, comes the need for hiring workers. Legalized online gambling can play a crucial role in improving the employment rate, in small cities and megalopolises alike. And since the online casino industry is open 24/7, need stuff more than the regular 9-5 businesses. This means that whenever an online operator or an iGaming software provides opens a venue, they are creating employment opportunities for the locals. From highly skilled employees to front-line workers, these companies need many people to provide front- and back-office support to players.


The gambling industry, including online casino operators, iGaming and casino software providers can be a very motiving and rewarding working environment, which encourages people to get a job and stay with the business longer. For example, online casinos offer almost all of the jobs we see in traditional casinos – their online dealers, customer support, technical (back office) support, and much, much more. So people starting as dealers can easily work they up into managerial positions.


Additionally, iGaming software providers earn significant amounts; they are able and willing to pay their workers more. Statistics show that countries, where online casinos and iGaming software operators are legal, have higher employment rate, and average salaries are also higher. Which makes it clear that this industry has a lot of potentials to bring positive (economic and societal) changes to local communities.


Giving Back to the Community

Just like any other entity, online casinos and iGaming software providers are supposed to pay taxes. Also, the players who win (big) money are required to fulfill this obligation. While tax rates vary in different countries, casinos iGaming software providers still have to pay corporate income tax, just like any other business in the country. There may also be different fees on top of the taxes. Similarly, gamblers have to give a specific amount of their winnings, which depends on the country’s laws, and types of games they play.


In addition to being taxpayers, the gambling industry can additionally help and encourage economic growth by means of organizing charities and participating fund raising events. Since gambling has a bad reputation, sportsbook and casino software providers are also supporting local initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life of other people, raising gambling addiction awareness, sponsoring gambling prevention centers, etc.


Increasing Interest in Sports

Online sports betting is a huge segment of online gambling. While it’s very profitable for the economy, it’s also helping other businesses attract more customers who are interested in a specific sports event covered by the betting agents. This includes local bars, cafes and bistros that live stream games and matches, shops that sell sports and fan merchandise. Even sports venues where gamblers can engage in their favorite sport.


Sports are present in almost every local culture, and online sports betting can additionally increase their influence and turn local sports teams and competitions into internationally known stars and events that attract tourists. A great example of this is the football leagues. Football fans regularly place bets and (most of them would) gladly travel to watch their favorite team play live.


Arguments Against Online Gambling

While we can see that legalizing online gambling can be very beneficial to local economies, there are still many opponents that speak of the social costs of gambling and the harm it does to society. They connect it with problem gambling or gambling addiction, and very often to crime, thanks to cinematic representation in the 20th century.


However, these effects have a lesser impact than the long-term economic and social benefits associated with gambling legalization. All reputable online casino operators, iGaming and sportsbook software providers have policies that address problem gambling and are actively involved in preventing it. They also contribute a substantial part of their profits to organizations that help people who are addicted to gambling to recover. Research has even shown that the expansion of online gambling has no impact on the level of addiction among players.


It’s a fact that casinos are a significant cultural phenomenon and play a big role in the lives of many people. They are a great source of fun, are present a way for people to socialize, enjoy a good time with their friends and make new ones, and on top of it all, earn some money. But very often, winning cash is not the main reason people engage in online gambling. Instead, it’s the socialization, the thrill of the game, and rush of adrenaline why people decide to enjoy this digital form of entertainment.

The major challenges for the gaming industry over the next 12 months

四月 26, 2019 / 2022年新功能和产品更新

As one of the fastest-moving industries, iGaming has been through many changes and challenges over time. Players are always seeking new exciting experiences, regulations change, and as new markets open, the pressure seems to increase in the more established gaming markets. Keeping ahead of trends and following the changing dynamics necessary for staying relevant in the industry is becoming harder as the speed of events increases. But to better understand the future of gaming, we first must understand the factors that influence and shape it.  Here, we will explore the key trends that are expected to impact the online gaming space and drive innovation in the upcoming 12 months.


Commoditization of Content

When it comes to iGaming, there is no discussion that content is king. The whole gaming market is built on a wide variety of content aimed at providing a plethora of player experiences. But lately, standing out from the crowd has become a challenge. On top of the 30,000 games that already exist, we see over 50 new games launched almost every month.


The question is, how many of these games offer a new and different experience? Perhaps creating a unique gaming experience is not so easy, but the games that perform the best share some common characteristics such as enchanting theme and unique reel arrays. Some online operators even go a step further and try to bring content from land-based casinos to digital, in a new gamified form. But in order to attract player, operators must find simple, enticing ways to promote games.


Challenging Times in Europe as Markets Mature

Regulation has always been a hot topic in gaming. But now it’s more prevalent than ever. Markets in Europe are reaching a certain level of maturity where players expect a high level of service and quality from game manufacturers and operators alike. At the same time, as the markets grow, regulators keep evaluating their policies and implementing new ones in an attempt to keep the industry accountable.


Greater political scrutiny and new regulation are creating additional operational challenges. The existing advertising bans, crackdowns on bonusing and stricter AML/KYC checks make it even harder for operators to keep their heads above water. And only those who can be creative and fast can succeed in the upcoming year. One way that operators can stay ahead of the regulatory curve is to lead a change by embracing the new technology, including the blockchain. Another way operators try to lighten up the burden of the regulator is by scaling, so we expect to see many mergers and acquisitions in the coming months.


The emergence of Mobile Gaming

Mobile gaming is slowly but surely taking over. In fact, nearly 70 percent of iGaming turnover is generated via a mobile device. This number will only rise as the migration from desktop to mobile continues. Going mobile is one of the main challenges the industry faces since there are many debates over many aspects of mobile gaming.


But mobile UX is still in its infancy, which means operators that already started curating exciting and engaging mobile experiences for their player, via responsive websites or mobile apps, are leading the way. Mobile devices offer the ability to create a truly immersive and personalized experience, but developers and operators need to first truly understand mobile. Only then, they can create experiences that will drive the future growth of (mobile) gaming forward.


Player Acquisition and Retention

One key thing to remember in 2019 is that players should always come first. Only platforms that deliver personalized, bespoke experiences will survive in the long run. This is especially important now because many operators are facing the challenge to attain new and retain existing players. The associated costs, and restrictions in advertising are making it even more difficult to get in front of your potential players.


While the gaming industry is just begging to catch up in respect of targeting and personalization, using data science and technology to understand target markets and players’ behavior can greatly help in creating a stronger backbone for smarter, more effective player acquisition and retention strategies. Responsible gaming has to be part of the equation though. As it is very important for rewarding and encouraging the right play, and identifying when players display the wrong types of behavior along with suggesting or implementing ways to stop that behavior.


Looking Forwards to the Next Chapter

The begging of the year has been very exciting and successful. But also full of lessons and challenges. And we can safely say that the iGaming industry is changing so much, so fast, that the only way to keep up is to accept the trends that are changing gaming forever. With AR, VR, blockchain, cryptocurrency and other technological advancement entering the industry, reimaging the way games are played and offering the player new, even more personalized and immersive gaming experiences is the only logical next step.

The Growth in eSports and Community-based Skill Gaming

三月 25, 2019 / 2022年新功能和产品更新

Online casinos are like any other competitive field that is constantly moving forward. The online gaming industry has been able to survive through the years and stay successful in customer-focused environments. But in recent years, casino slot gambling revenue has had many ups and downs. As a result, online gaming platforms are looking for new ways to stay competitive, drive more traffic to their sites, and keep players engaged. With the constant rise of community-based skill gaming, online casinos are increasingly looking to add community-based games to their offering. That way, they can increase playing times and expand player demographics.

Skill- and Community-Based Games in Online Casinos

Online casinos are always attentive to their customer base, and looking to attract new audiences. So it’s not a surprise they are embracing skill-based gaming and adapting eSports to the online gambling scene. Research shows that millennials prefer community-based skill games as opposed to the traditional online slots and or card tables. The main reason online casinos are making a switch to eSports and  community-based skill gaming is to help them spark and maintain players interest for a longer period, and wanting to come back to the platform to play more. Ensuring a viable future for the gaming industry.

Younger generations are tech-savvy and very involved in eSports, whether as players or viewers. Skill-based games are often feature-rich, and keep the experience interactive and engaging. eSports give players the thrill of competing against each other in tournaments. And this never-ending competition can be later used and incorporated into loyalty programs. So it seems that adding new skill and community-based games or revamping some old ones is like hitting the jackpot.

Are eSports the Future of Gaming?

Many people believed that video games and professional competitive gaming are only of interest to a small group of people. But in reality, these are two are part of a really big, really successful industry. Professional competitive gaming, also called eSports, is an industry with a growing fan base. What’s even more impressive are the large wins players can score. For example, major tournaments, like League of Legends World Championship finals, attract millions of viewers, while gamers battle to win millions in prize money. In fact, eSports are so huge that participants can get up to $25 million when winning, including money collected from sponsorships and appearance fees. It is estimated that eSports viewers spend over 20 million hours watching gaming in 2018.  The industry is so big, that beside YouTube, there is another dedicated gaming channel – Twitch – that streams matches live, enables players to stream their own games, allows them to comment and engage in discussion. But eSports are not happening only online.

One of the main indicators that they are here to stay is when there is a real commitment by land-based and online casinos alike. Just like traditional sports, eSports also has its number of professional players, celebrities and commentators. What is more enticing though, is the total prize pool of eSports which exceeds $24 million. Compared to traditional sports, that’s more money than the prize pools of the US National Basketball Association – $13 million, and Golf Masters Cup – $20 million, put together. eSports and community-based skill games are attracting millions of players, but it takes great skill and strategy to win. It takes hours of practice a day, just like in traditional sports, to master the game. It’s challenging, unpredictable, and makes players keep coming for more.

The online gaming proves the immense growth of eSports, that can continue to thrive in this highly competitive industry. Finding an edge in a landscape that’s growing more crowded all the time, requires online casinos and gaming platforms to provide new experiences for players. And the emergence of eSports offers exactly that – a new challenge and a community of like-minded players that are eager to learn from each other and compete. On the other hand, the newness of skill-based games has its daunting challenges. Even though the industry of eSports is several years old, it is still in its early days as the product and platforms mature. So without performing a comprehensive analysis and setting a clear implementation strategy, it’s difficult to incorporate these type of games to an existing platform. But re-imagining some of the old games might be the first step in understanding what the path forward for adoption looks like.

The Biggest Jackpots In The History Of Gambling

三月 20, 2019 / 2022年新功能和产品更新

There are many high roller adventures in the history of gambling that brought the gamblers the biggest prizes ever.
Here are the biggest Jackpots in the history of gambling.


15 November 1998, Megabucks casino. The largest Jackpot ever won at “one-armed bandit” was $27.582.539 and went to a 60-year-old resident of Las Vegas.

$4.6 million
Elmer Sherwin, a World War II vet was 76 when he won a $4.6 million Megabucks Jackpot, a mere 10 hours after The Mirage opened to the public.

$8.9 million
Freemont Hotel, $8.9 million. A 71-year-old Amy Nishimura won her Jackpot after 3 hours with less than 100 dollars while on vacation from her home in Hawaii.

$39 million
Excalibur Casino. An unknown 25-year-old man from Los Angeles won more than $39 million while waiting for a basketball game.

The Palace Station Hotel, a 60-some-odd-year-old woman won $680.000 on “The Wheel of Fortune” machine.

$11 million
1996, a postal worker John Tippin went on vacation to Vegas and hit the Megabucks Jackpot of $11 million.


1997, Kerry Packer, an Australian, won somewhere between $20 and $40 million in Blackjack and Baccarat in Vegas.


1996, Huck Seed, a professional poker player from Las Vegas, won $2.3 million on the 27th annual World Championship.


April 1999, Maria Grasso, a nurse from Boston (Massachusetts, USA), won Jackpot in the lottery of Massachusetts. The largest ever lottery prize was $197 million.


Niv.30, 1929, the races at Haydock Park, a horse named Cool came first. A 49 cent bet made on the basis of 3410:1, brought Katherine Ensuort (UK) $1659.


The largest online winning is $1.4 million (Roulette in William Hill)
The second largest is $1.2 million (Carribean Poker).

Jackpot is truly the best gambling prize for all gamblers. To hit the Jackpot is the main desire and a great challenge for everyone, but these lucky people did manage to hit it.


Source: http://guinnessworldrecords.com/explore-recorsds

2019 Predictions for iGaming Industry from Digitain

一月 24, 2019 / 2022年新功能和产品更新

What Does 2019 Hold?

We are already nearing the end of January and time goes by quicker every year.  So what are our predictions for 2019 in the iGaming Vertical? We believe three central areas shall be pivotal within the iGaming supply chain.

CX – The Importance of a Good Customer Experience

Customer Experience or CX is now widely regarded in other verticals as paramount for a brands survival in the unforgiving digital economy where attention spans are measured in seconds likewise customer fulfillment in nanoseconds.   iGaming Platform providers won’t be immune to this as a shift occurs from product orientation to one of CX experience within the buyer behavior cycle. The supply chain is highly competitive and demanding, and with commoditization across all products, CX will become more critical in B2B decision-making, as we are all consumers and have high expectations when it comes to customer experience.

Co-development and Inclusive Collaboration

This goes hand-in-hand with a central CX strategy. Operators are more demanding and quite rightly wish to have more control over the brand and customer journey technology touchpoints.

Platform providers that continue to rely on the traditional model of supplier/client shall succumb as their inflexibility in a cultural mindset and technology stack will ultimately impinge on their growth prospects and ability to service clients who wish co-development of their own brand journey and technology road-map.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

In every industry sector, businesses across the globe are reaching towards AI to improve their product pipeline, streamline and automate services which ultimately and hopefully shall deliver higher levels of both customer experience and satisfaction.  The B2B technology platform sector won’t be immune as they seek to offer the best inclusive customer experience possible to their clients and ultimately the end user, the player.  Look out for more AI-driven software testing processes that can replace manual and repetitive testing and improve QA cycles to production release. There will be a raft of productivity tools, which allow the co-development ethos to evolve and empower lean teams within the operator brands to control the brand’s development in concert with the platform partner.

New Gaming Markets USA

一月 14, 2019 / 2022年新功能和产品更新

The United States of America is the world’s second largest games market, with almost 180 million players estimated to have spent over $150 billion in 2018.

On May 14th, 2018, a truly significant event happened in the global gaming industry – the strike down of Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act, or PASPA – marking the start of a new ‘gold rush” in the United States.

Time for Gaming Operators to Place the Bets

This move was labeled “transformational” by a large number of betting companies and is expected to change the balance in the global gaming and betting industry. With the UK market under increased regulatory change and new higher levels of taxation and the majority of European markets implementing regulatory frameworks for online gambling, operators see the opening of the US market as a growth opportunity and potentially the industry’s next big jackpot.

European operators encouraged by the drop of the PASPA have started a new “gold rush” on the US market. Since they already have the online know-how which most of the US land-based casinos lack, European operators are looking to leverage their knowledge, technology, and marketing skills to start mining the mother lode.

As a result, we already witnessed several high-profile, high-stakes partnerships between some of the biggest operators as they are planning their strategies and jostle for a prime position on the new market. It is time for the operators to place their bets, and keep their eyes on who plays their hand next.

Online Gaming and Gambling in the USA in 2019

It took a while for online sports betting to make the scene in the USA. In 2015 it was daily fantasy sports that forced legislatures into action, leading to the legalization of DFS in 18 states. While DFS pushed online gaming bills in the background, its proliferation had a significant impact on the perception of online gambling and the need for its legalization.

Even though PASPA was struck down in May 2018, the implementation of robust regulations is often named as one of the critical reasons for the industry’s slow start, but operators and regulators are more than happy to make that trade-off because the regulations have proven extraordinarily effective and resulted in many positive changes.

The end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019 came with a lot of twists and turns– expansions, legal developments, and interstate and intrastate collaborations. Online gaming is changing rapidly, with eSports continuing to grow, and predicted to be worth $1.5 billion globally by 2020. The participation options for players are increasing thanks to innovation in mobile technology, motion-capture technology, and advanced algorithms.  Mobile betting is another driver of sports betting, while virtual reality and games of skill are becoming more and more popular.

At the moment, online gaming and online sports betting are legal in several states, including Nevada, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, West Virginia, and New Mexico. And at least a dozen more are expected to follow in the footsteps and pass online gambling laws. New York is yet to legalize sports betting, and Rhode Island already established legal betting, which was a move to promote the budget bill but they still need to start legalizing online betting. Additionally, states that do allow online betting are engaging in interstate agreements. That further enables the expansion of online poker, allowing players from different states to play against one another.

But, the one thing that remains to be a big challenge is payment processing due to the lack of acceptance of online legal gaming by the credit card companies.

Will USA become the New Biggest iGaming Market

America is without a question one of the biggest gaming markets in the world. Both, from the land-based perspective and the new potential for individual states introducing legislation that allows the provision of other forms of intrastate and interstate online sports betting.

And as we enter 2019, the second wave of states considers legalizing sports betting. It is expected that throughout 2019-2020 numerous states will use sports betting, online sports betting to be precise, to lay the ground for introducing comprehensive gaming expansion packages.

But unlike the first wave, the second wave of legislation will happen at a slower and steadier pace. States are even more motivated to legalize all forms of online gaming and gambling. Firstly, due to the crossover among stakeholders of online sports betting and online casinos. Secondly, they are incentivized by the revenue that can be made by introducing a comprehensive suite of products packaged together – Sportsbook, Casino engine, Poker, Lottery, and DFS.

Furthermore, with all the latest marketing and tech innovation coming out from the Silicon Valley, the Bay Area and Palo Alto, and the introduction of regulated, socially responsible online gaming, the USA might come back on top even stronger than before and take the crown with online gaming from Europe.

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